I was still a juvenile and convicted as a child
Though sentenced as an adult
But still I smile…
I think about my reality and realize just how real it is
Then I laugh….
I don’t laugh because it’s funny
But because its “funny” how a young black man could
So easily succumb to his environment
But still I grow…
I’ve come to know many things, dreamed many dreams
All while living a nightmare
But still I ponder…
I’ve created wonderful things once I considered my intellect
As a key to unlock the box my mind’s been in for years
So now I know….
Though life has its adversities, and sometimes it can
Be a tremendous burden
I still got to walk that extra mile
Even if my feet are hurting
So, I’ll continue to smile….
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The poets featured here are currently incarcerated, and many of them are in federal prisons far from home. Your feedback is a valuable source of motivation and connection to the outside community. Post your comments, feedback, and encouragement in the space below the poem. Messages will be passed on directly to the author. Comments may not appear immediately on the site, as our team processes them to mail to the poets.
This is beautiful. I really like how you repeated they “smile” theme in the beginning and the end.
Thank you for your strong words. I am sending you strength to keep walking the extra mile.
This is a lovely poem that echoes Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise. I like the very personal perspective it takes, it’s more relatable because it is your own story. There is also a very clear progression from your past and all that you have learned growing up in the system of incarceration. I would say to stay in these little snapshots more. Give more details about what you felt and what you were thinking back then vs. now.
I really enjoyed this poem. I find it super courageous that even with all the adversity and hardships you have faced you still seem to find it important to keep your head up and smile. This type of poem really allows me the reader to understand what you are going through and touches the soul. I think it is important for you to continue to smile and make the most of the situation you are in because at the end of the day everything will be alright and those hardships your going through now will not last forever. Keep up the great poetry!
This is a thoughtful and beautiful poem. I hope one day soon you can fully smile from inside your mind as well. Keep growing, dreaming and learning.
I really respect and admire the stubborn gladness that you carry with you at this time in your life. Your commitment to showing up with an outlook of how to grow is an inspiration for me. I hope that you continue to write and share your experience with the world. It needs your voice.
You can do it! This poem is so motivational
Everyone has a different story on their struggles, you have yours and I have mine, but being able to continue life with a smile is a lifestyle that many cannot replicate. It shows strength and courage to be able to work towards the future.
Hi, GD,
This poem speaks to me. I love marveling at the resilience that builds in us when we face profound difficulty. It changes your perspective, it alters your worldview, and overcoming challenge creates a sense of empowerment.
I like the line, “I think about my reality and realize just how real it is,” in particular because it says a lot. I can feel the weight of your reality just from reading your words. I love how you wrote:
“I don’t laugh because it’s funny
But because its ‘funny’ how a young black man could
So easily succumb to his environment
But still I grow…”
These lines mean a lot to me. They show that you’re making the intentional choice to grow. You’re growing in spite of everything your reality is throwing at you, and that is such an incredible feat to be celebrated. I admire your growth.
Thank you for sharing your poetry.
This is amazing; an amazing poem, an amazing outlook on life. Adversity is inevitable and the attitude you create within that adversity will determine your experiences in the long run.
You are stronger than you know and tremendously talented. Don’t let this gift slip away from you.
Keep on smiling!
Thank you for sharing this extremely personal piece with us.
Yes! I’m rooting for you! Thank you for sharing this poem it was very well written. I love your attitude and your tone throughout the poem. I felt sad during the beginning but the mood shifted to a persevering vibe. Nice.
This was a very good poem. You repeating the word “smile” mad the piece come together. It was truly a very good poem! Never stop writing or smiling!!
I loved this poem, show vulnerability. It is inspiring to me that you can be so positive even in your situation. Motivates me to be more positive in every obstacle I face. Thank you and good job!
Dear GD, I have found your poem exceptionally moving. I believe that the positivity you are bringing to the world is underestimated. Given the circumstances you are in, you are still able to be happy and remember to smile. You are teaching many people in your situation this along with any readers, like myself, an amazing reminder to smile. I found it very interesting how you have been through so much that you are still able to just know to smile. Even when things can be going the absolute worse sometimes the only thing you can do to benefit yourself is to smile. After reading this I consider you a very positive leader. You are showing many people the power of a smile. I think it will be important for you to never lose this concept as it can help in all aspects of life. I know I won’t be forgetting this poem as it is very powerful and deep. I can’t imagine what you are going through, but never give up on yourself and keep the positivity from this poem. Thank you for teaching me such a valuable lesson.
-Drew Yeager
I was still a juvenile and convicted as a child
Though sentenced as an adult
But still I smile…
I think about my reality and realize just how real it is
Then I laugh….
I don’t laugh because it’s funny
But because its “funny” how a young black man could
So easily succumb to his environment
But still I grow…
I’ve come to know many things, dreamed many dreams
All while living a nightmare
But still I ponder…
I’ve created wonderful things once I considered my intellect
As a key to unlock the box my mind’s been in for years
So now I know….
Though life has its adversities, and sometimes it can
Be a tremendous burden
I still got to walk that extra mile
Even if my feet are hurting
So, I’ll continue to smile….
Thank you for sharing your story through the art of poetry as I know it’s not easy to be emotionally vulnerable like this. You use great detail and critical thinking in this work and I love the repeating of hope, that although you are faced with challenges you still “laugh” “grow” “ponder” “know” and “smile.” It reminds me of the quote that goes, “We fall down, but we get up.” Great work.
I think this is a very interesting take. It reminds me of existentialism with the myth of Sisyphus where Camu thought that because Sisyphus was forced to push a rock up a boulder every day, that eventually he was able to find happiness. This is because there is no other fate for him to escape so knowing this would allow him to overcome his struggles kinda like this broken American Incarceration system. But, I do think it is powerful that intellect and piece of him is sometimes the only relief from cruelty of reality.
GD, your poem holds and shows so much vulnerability and truly reminds me to smile even on my bad days and to not beat myself up. You were young when these events began and even though you see these things now, you still choose to smile and put one foot forward to find a new beginning. Proud of your work! Keep your chin held high!
What a wonderful poem. I really enjoy your repetition of the word “smile” in the beginning and end of the poem. This poem is very motivational and your words hold an immense amount of power. Great job and continue writing!
This is a very creative poem that was fun to read. I really liked the line, “As a key to unock the box my mind ‘s been in for years”. I thought it was really unique to describe it this way, and it makes me think of thoughts trapping your mind and that you have found a way to escape them. I also appreciate the perserverance that you bring into your poem in the first few lines, as you mention that you were still a child but convicted as an adult, but you decide to still smile. I think that shows how strong you are and how much of a positive person you are despite all of lifes challenges. Keep on smiling and keep on writing.
Hey! I love the message in this poem. Even when we go through rough times, we should still smile. There’s still something to smile about in life, so we should focus on the positive. I love how you are choosing to smile through your hard times. I wish the best of luck to you and I hope to read more of your work!
Hi GD,
I really resonated with your message of smiling through the adversity. I found it interesting how you pointed out that not all smiles convey the same message. Some smiles are from irony, some are a smile of resilience and some are for true happiness.
Wow. I so appreciate how honest you are in this poem, and how you describe the complexities of life. You have gone through so much, and yet you have remained resilient and have kept your head up. Thank you for sharing your story, and I hope you continue to write (and to smile!).
This poem is very touching and I can feel the author’s pain. Just smile its easy people say “smile more”. Trying to always think about being happy and pushing through hard times is perseverance. What’s hard now will soon be the past you look back on and laugh at. It might be hard to smile at the moment but it will get better. You got this and remember the best is yet to come!