P.O.M.E (Product of My Environment)


I from where what you see is what you get
most things I’ve seen I want to forget
But I’ll remember this forever!
Sunny shining and it’s still bad weather
Think it’s a dream but it’s a living nightmare
growing up in the hood made me want to get out of there
But it’s hard to get out of the trap!!
It’s a set up to end up dead or in the system
Most people are either suspects or a victim
Some took another route and beat the odds
They learned how to play their cards
Even when dealt a bad hand
At a early age I was turned into a man
Everything that I went through made me who I AM

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  1. Roy on February 8, 2024 at 8:59 PM

    Hello! Thank you for sharing your work. I enjoyed reading about your perspective and how one’s environment can shape who they are, and potentially who they become. Those who are out of touch with the hood may think that its a cool lifestyle and aspire to be like those they see on the street. I love that your words speak a deeper meaning and encourage others to not be blinded by the hype. I hope you continue writing and expressing yourself. I also love how you wrote in a manner that speaks to your voice, it’s nice to hear work that takes a nontraditional route.

  2. Noriko Bell on February 16, 2024 at 9:57 AM

    Life is a struggle. For you more than others, perhaps. Your struggles made you who you are? I hear you looking for the positive, and landing in the same spot. It’s a struggle to seek out the good in life when you’re circumstances feel bleak. But, you can tell yourself, “I Am A Man”, a declaration made by another artist. Please keep writing. I will keep reading.

  3. Claire on February 16, 2024 at 10:32 PM

    This poem is so raw and powerful. It vividly portrays the struggles of growing up in a tough environment, where every day feels like a battle against the odds. The imagery of sunny weather contrasting with the living nightmare captures the complexity of the situation perfectly. The lines about feeling trapped in the hood and the constant struggle to escape really hit hard. But amidst the hardship, there’s a resilience shining through. The determination to beat the odds and rise above the circumstances is truly inspiring. And the final line, “Everything that I went through made me who I AM,” speaks volumes about the strength and character forged through adversity.

  4. Emily on February 17, 2024 at 12:38 PM

    This poem is so powerful and moving. It captures the resilience and strength of your spirit in the face of adversity. It is a reminder that even in the toughest of circumstances, one can fing the inner strength to overcome and thrive. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Pranjel Hajare on February 18, 2024 at 12:52 PM

    I believe this poem is very motivating. It reminds every person who reads it that not only do you have your good days and bad days and not only do you go through some difficult moments in life everyone does. Everyone has their fair share of struggles but at the end of the day, like the author said, these conflicts shape you into the person that you are today. I needed to see this today.

  6. Tanzil Quddus on February 18, 2024 at 5:12 PM

    I believe the reference to “Sunny shining and it’s still bad weather” symbolizes the difference between outward appearances and internal hidden struggles. Despite the brightness of the sun, there’s still an underlying sense of hardship..

  7. Rhythm Chaudhary on February 18, 2024 at 11:36 PM

    This poem felt very raw and emotional to me. I like the shifts in tone as the poem goes on and the acceptance at the end, what a great way to end it off. Love this poem!

  8. Kay R. on February 19, 2024 at 1:01 PM

    Wow, ZF! This was such a touching read. You did a great job of describing your feelings about your past and tying them to your present experiences. Your resilience and strength is shown through your words. Your poetry is touching, and you did an amazing job.

  9. Erica L on March 6, 2024 at 2:18 PM

    I love your title of your poem and it immediately caught my eye. It is true- we are naturally a product of our environment and we must take active steps to leave harmful environments and grow from them. I loved “Everything that I went through made me who I AM.” This is powerful. I see you reclaiming any power or autonomy you lost from the cycle and system. I see you grasping it back. Keep on growing through this life, thank you for sharing your words.

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