Ode to My Daughter


You bring joy to my life
You inspire me to become a better man
–that changed my life–
And become the best version of myself
Without you, joy would not have entered
So suddenly
When I needed it the most.
So this is why when I think of you,
Joy of my life,
I smile


  1. Rosalie on July 12, 2022 at 11:34 AM

    Your poem, about your daughter, speaks so true to parenthood. It has a beautiful rhythm and flow to it. Please keep writing poetry, if it speaks to me, I can only imagine how much it will speak to your daughter. These poems that you write will have a greater impact on her than you will ever know.

  2. KC on July 28, 2022 at 12:51 PM


    I can feel the love you have for your daughter. She is so lucky to have you. I pray she keeps you smiling and she knows your love. Keep writing!


  3. Anna Carpentiere on September 21, 2022 at 1:24 PM

    This poem is very emotional and thoughtful. I feel the emotion and the word choice. The people around you make you, you. The people around you care and its important to care for them too, because after all you never know what will happen. We only live once so take that life and be the best you. You got this and remember the best is yet to come!

  4. Annika on September 22, 2022 at 10:51 AM

    This is such a beautiful piece dedicated to your daughter. I love how sentimental it is and if she were to read this, I’m sure she’d be touched. It really shows how a child can change their parents’ lives no matter how many bumps they have to overcome in their relationship.

  5. Aaliyah Padilla on September 22, 2022 at 6:56 PM

    Hello AHA, reading this poem I’m going to admit made me very emotional. Anyone who even takes a glimpse at your work will be able to tell right off the bat how much endless love you have for your daughter. And that right there is such a beautiful thing. I personally have my own views on parenthood based off my bad experiences with my own. And for a very long time I thought that I would never understand how a parent can love their child just because I never received that myself. But after reading your poem it’s like I saw it in a way I didn’t see it before. Hearing you say how your daughter inspired you to become a better man makes me believe that there are men out there who can provide endless amounts of love and support like they should. Hearing how your daughter brought a whole new type of joy to your life and how you realized you needed it the most when you had it in that moment really moves me to not be so afraid of parenthood myself. Hearing you describe the life-changing experience of having children and getting to experience new emotions and a whole new type of love makes me excited to have children of my own. It makes me excited to want to know what that joy would feel like too. I assume family is important to you, and the fact that you’re proudly presenting that throughout your poem really warms my heart and makes me happy. Thank you for opening my mind to seeing things in another way, I hope I can move forward with this new entail, and I hope your daughter knows how lucky she is to have a parent like you. Thank you for sharing this poem!
    I wish you best! – Aaliyah!

  6. Josie Kelly on October 3, 2022 at 8:32 PM

    This poem portrays a great message! I like how this shows how real love can change everything. It shows that when you have someone in your life that means so much to you it can bring positivity and the feeling to want to do good for them. This is important. Great poem, keep writing!

  7. Kayla MacLaren on October 6, 2022 at 10:21 AM

    This is beautiful. I relate to this poem a lot because I was extremely close to my father, he unfortunately passed away, but I completely understand the love you have for each other. I love the lines you wrote “So this is why when I think of you, Joy of my life, I smile” that really hit home. and I guarantee she feels the same way towards you. This is a beautiful poem; I hope you keep writing!

  8. Meghan on October 7, 2022 at 6:02 PM

    I really like this poem, and as I reader I can clearly feel and tell how much you love your daughter. just know that she loves you too, and is waiting for the moment that she can see you again. Do everything in life for her, and make her proud. Be the best father a daughter could dream for.

  9. Alexis on October 9, 2022 at 7:26 PM


    As a daughter your poem is touching, I am sure your daughter would be honored to read this and is lucky to have you as a father. The love you have for her is so touching, and how she has shaped you into bettering yourself is incredible. Change comes from within ourselves, but we can’t always do it alone, therefore I am glad you have your daughter there for you to be that person.

  10. Emily on October 9, 2022 at 10:18 PM

    Such a sweet poem. You had me on the brink of tears. My father never would write anything saying how much I am of an importance to him. I’ll start of by asking why did you add your 3rd line in with the lines on both ends of it? I don’t know if it is a stylistic choice or if it has a specific meaning to the story. And now that the feedback is done, let me be the first to say that any man who writes a poem for their daughter is a good dad. Even if you are behind bars, you still make an effort to love and express your love for her in every way you can. Your daughter is a luck girl to have a father who will love her through thick and thin. The effect she has on you shows in your work. People can change your life for good or for worse, and sometimes you need the people closest to you to help you realize it. I’m glad your happy, I’m glad your daughter makes an effort to visit you and I’m happy that there are good parents in this world who will love their children uncontrol’s even behind bars.

  11. Oshane on October 11, 2022 at 11:44 AM

    It is a really good feeling to have connected to someone that gives you a sense of higher purpose or to be strong. Be it family, friends a role models. Continue to hang on to that feeling and person that keeps you feeling poised and in better spirits. I can relate to this poem as my siblings are my inspiration to be a better man and role model to succeed so they can emulate me.

  12. HL on October 12, 2022 at 2:54 PM

    This poem strikes me as one of those short-but-sweet gems that you have to hunt through multiple volumes to find, and once you do, it makes a home in your heart and lingers there for a long time. It’s incredibly touching to read how strong of a motivation your daughter is, and how she lights up your life in a way few others do. It’s obvious she means the world to you and serves as an illuminating inspiration in your journey. The incomparable love you feel for her radiates from your every written word, and makes for an emotionally rewarding, heartwarming piece that left me feeling all cozy after I finished reading it. I’m very glad to hear that she brings you such joy, and I encourage you to keep writing poems about her and other inspirations/motivations you have in your life. Reading this brought such a smile to my face, and I feel honored that I was given the chance to experience your beautiful work. Thank you again and again.

  13. Ainsley on October 17, 2022 at 12:16 AM

    Hi AHA,
    Although this poem is short, it’s very sweet. I don’t have children myself, but I have siblings that fill a similar position. I relate to this poem because my siblings also inspire and motivate me to be a better version of myself. The way that children impact our lives is such a powerful and beautiful thing that we are lucky to experience. Thank you for sharing your feelings and experiences,

  14. Dhara Patel on October 17, 2022 at 7:47 AM

    The poem brings such pure joy it. It’s full of light as it describes the way having a child feels to a parent. Parenting can be difficult but it’s all worth it when you see how much it can improve your life.

  15. Adam Stomberg on October 17, 2022 at 10:49 AM

    This poem stood out to me, not because I am a father, no I am a college student, but because in my English class, we just finished a poetry book called “Wordy Things” by Micheal Kleber-Diggs’. In this book, Kleber-Diggs’ shares a similar dynamic towards his daughter as you and as millions of fathers do. Because of that, this poem caught my eye, and also because in writing, witnessing an author talk about how joyous his daughter makes him feel is an uncommon sight.
    In addition, a saying someone told me recently, “you don’t understand what you have until you miss it.” I think that is a fundamental theme seen throughout this poem. That is why I love the message behind this poem and that you were able to reflect upon it. Along with that, the formatting was spot on, the whole poem is just a build-up to the last two lines. That builds suspense, making it an overall enticing, enjoyable read. Thank you!

  16. Mackenzie Curry on November 8, 2022 at 1:36 PM

    Hi AHA,
    The way you speak of your daughter is truly beautiful. Every parent should speak of their children the way you do. I admire you for that. I hope your daughter is your influence to be the best version of you and get out as soon as possible to be with her again, because trust me she needs you more than your realize. I’m sure that being away from her makes you realize how much you need her because without her your life can be full of happiness and like you said joy. I hope you get to see your daughter soon!

  17. McKenzie Gordon on November 17, 2022 at 12:53 PM

    It is important to be able to feel the light in the darkness. I believe that through your daughter, you are doing so.

  18. Al on November 27, 2022 at 12:25 PM

    Thank you for sharing your poem! The love you have for your daughter is so evident through your poem. Parenting is such a joy I believe and especially through the words of your poem it is a truly motivating feeling to be a better person for your child.

  19. Pratham on November 27, 2022 at 7:28 PM

    This is such a sweet poem. It reminds you of the joy kids bring into your life and that you should really appreciate them.

  20. Andrew on November 27, 2022 at 8:56 PM

    It’s amazing how you connect your daughter to your happiness. It creates a strong connection and shows a beautiful relationship between you and her.

  21. Maddie on December 10, 2022 at 11:28 AM

    Hi AHA, I can tell you really adore your daughter. Your daughter is really lucky to have you in her life. As a daughter, this poem was really touching and I can truly see how much your daughter made an impact in your life. This is a beautiful poem; I hope you keep writing!

  22. Allison R. on December 30, 2022 at 8:58 PM

    This is a sweet poem. It is very clear that you love and care for your daughter. That love is important, and I know she must care deeply for you as well. This is a really beautiful and touching poem. I hope you keep writing and I wish you all the best!

  23. Laura Haas on February 4, 2023 at 5:34 PM

    Hi AHA,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts. From this poem, I can really see how much love you have for your daughter. As a daughter, this poem really opened my eyes. Sometimes I think my parents can be annoying, but it is only out of love. When you said, “So this is why when I think of you, Joy of my life, I smile,” I felt the emotion you have. Thank you for expressing your love for your daughter; I hope you continue to write more amazing poems.

  24. eleni on February 5, 2023 at 4:03 PM

    As someone who has a very close relationship with their father, this poem made my heart melt! The line “you inspire me to become a better man” is so moving. As someone who is very young, I do not know what parenthood is like. However, I do know that the way a parent loves their child is unmatched. I think it is beautiful that a child can be so loved that they are an inspiration for someone to be the best version of themselves. I love the line “without you, joy would not have entered so suddenly when I needed it the most” because it shows how highly this father thinks of their daughter. It also makes me happy to know that there is someone out there for this author who keeps them fighting every day! The ending of this poem is my favorite part, it is so sweet! This makes me think of my own dad who I hold in the highest regard, and it brought a smile to my face!

  25. Vatsal on February 11, 2023 at 12:27 AM

    Your poem perfectly encapsulates the love that you have for your daughter. I hope she knows how lucky she truly is to have you in her life. The theme of this poem seems to be love and you do a great job expressing your love for your daughter. It is a very good poem. Your poem is an example of kids can help parents change their lives for the better. Thank you for writing this.

  26. TM on February 11, 2023 at 8:00 PM

    To AHA- Even though you wrote a small poem it is packed with a lot of emotion. Saying that not only your daughter brings joy to your life but also inspires you to become a better man is amazing. As a daughter that’s something that means a lot, having a loving father isn’t always common. So, for you to express your love for her is inspiring. I hope she knows how much she means to you, especially during troubling times. Children can definitely change how people live their lives, and hopefully, it changed by improving their lives. It seems that having her has brought a greater meaning to your life which is important to have. Such a loving poem, thank you for sharing!

  27. Mackenzie Curry on February 12, 2023 at 9:19 PM

    I’m going to be honest reading this makes my heart melt. The love you have for your daughter is the most powerful thing in the world. All little girls deserve a father who will love them the way you love your daughter. I bet she will appreciate when she is older, the fact that she was your hope and the reason you are wherever you are hoping for your time to come when you get to see her again. I really hope you get to see your daughter soon!

  28. Corrina on February 13, 2023 at 9:32 PM

    I loved your poem. The line that stood out to me most was “that changed my life”. It really shows how much one person can change someones life. I am so glad that your daughter inspires you to be the best version of yourself and brings you joy everyday. She is very lucky to a father who cares so deeply about her.

  29. John on February 14, 2023 at 11:05 PM

    I can feel all the love you have for your daughter. It’s amazing how you connect your daughter to your overall happiness. I am sure your daughter would be honored to read this and is so lucky to have you. Keep writing and showing her all that love.

  30. Kearsten on February 17, 2023 at 12:09 AM

    This is a beautiful tribute to your daughter. I can sense how much you love her and how much she means to you. I’m glad she has inspired you to want to be a better man and how much joy she brings you. I hope you get to see her soon and I hope you continue to want to be a better man for her. I wish you all the best.

  31. Colleen on February 20, 2023 at 5:09 PM

    This is adorable. My dad and I have a really close relationship, so this reminded me of him. I hope you are still in contact with your daughter, and I am really happy to hear that you care about her this much.

  32. Matthew Handley on February 26, 2023 at 9:10 PM

    Hello, I can really feel the love for your daughter that you infuse into this poem. Children are the gems and stars in our darkness that glitter and guide us back to the light. Even on the worst of days their innocence and undying love for us can make everything better. I’m glad that you have such a strong love for your daughter and I’m sure she feels the same way about. Wishing you all the best and hoping to read more from you in the future!

  33. Kay on March 20, 2023 at 12:27 AM

    This was a beautiful poem about your daughter. Sometimes it does really take those few supporters to make you want to be better. The power of children is especially something. This is a very short and sweet poem and I hope she knows you’re thinking of her!

  34. Jocelyn Patterson on March 20, 2023 at 2:17 PM

    The bond that you share with your daughter is unmatched. I actually was very upset this week because I hadn’t seen my Dad in two weeks because I am at college. So, as a daughter I can tell you I am sure you mean the world to her too.

  35. PH on March 22, 2023 at 7:02 PM

    It’s always good to acknowledge the good someone has done for you like your daughter. Without a person to guide us, we feel sad and don’t see or feel joy. What you need most is love. It’s always good to smile and enjoy life.

  36. Marisa on March 24, 2023 at 1:47 PM

    Hello! I don’t think I can express how beautiful this sentiment is. Everyone needs a motivator in their lives and I think bettering yourself for your daughter is one of the best. This beautifully explains the impact of parenthood and how parents base their needs on the needs of their children. There is joy in the simple things in life and love can provide so much of that.

  37. Zach on March 24, 2023 at 1:55 PM

    WOW! This is an amazing poem! A great example of how short lines and poems can be so powerful! I LOVE the line that is separated by the hyphen, it makes it even more powerful as it stands out on its one, that was awesome! This poem was so beautiful, thank you so much for sharing!

  38. Giorgio Juve on April 2, 2023 at 10:21 PM

    I can feel how much you care for your daughter. I thought it was pleasing when you said, “Without you, joy would not have entered.” It reminded me that family is important and that you should cherish every moment with them. I hope you continue to write more to share. Wish you the best.

  39. Dulce on April 10, 2023 at 10:42 AM

    Hello AHA, this is a heartwarming poem. When I read this it made me smile. Although I myself do not have children I can see how my siblings and I bring my parents so much joy. I can see that your daughter is important to you. She is a big part of your life and I am sure you are a big part of her’s. I wish you well!

  40. Kyra on April 16, 2023 at 10:03 PM

    What a beautiful poem for your daughter, something she can cherish forever. Love and affirmation from your parents is so important, and I think it is amazing that you shared your love for her in this way, Keep writing and keep letting your daughter know how much you love her.

  41. Halie on September 27, 2023 at 2:27 PM

    This is really good. I can feel the love. I think this is a beautiful tribute to your daughter. I also love how you expressed that love and the words you used to bring this all together.

  42. Hazel on October 10, 2023 at 10:19 AM

    AHA – I loved your work and your message of how the ones you love and care for the most are the ones that inspire you to become a better person. Your immense love for your daughter is clear through your words and I admire you for your dedication and your strength to continue working on yourself day-by-day. I am so proud and wish you nothing but the best!

  43. Maggie on October 11, 2023 at 10:39 AM

    Hi AHA! I enjoyed reading your poem about an ode to your daughter. It was truly moving. Your daughter is the light in your life. She is what gives you hope to keep going every day. In the same way that you are her hope to keep going, you are the light in her life. She is the reason you choose to be the best version of yourself every day. Please continue to be the joy in her life, and she will continue to be yours. I wish you the best, in the rest of your life.

  44. chelsea on October 29, 2023 at 9:57 PM

    AHA, as a daughter, this is very touching. having someone to make proud is a very big goal and based off this poem I think you will make her proud. It is very heart warming to hear people want to be good for their children

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