The Beauty Found in Unexpected Places


When you look up at the sky, what do you see?
Beauty at different times of the night and day,
in lightness or darkness,
it’s a place of beauty existing so far away.
Bright lights, stars in skies
that one can only imagine how it looks up close,
but how the creator created such beauty in an unexpected place

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  1. Julia on September 13, 2024 at 9:42 PM

    AHA this is such a wonderful way to explain how every aspect of life can be beautiful. Even in the most unexpected areas of life, the creator has brought us so much beauty. Being able to appreciate all kinds of beauty and expressing it in this way is in fact beautiful.

  2. Stephen on September 17, 2024 at 12:09 PM

    This poem made me feel very appreciative of everything around me and nature. I really liked how “day” and “away” rhyme as well as how “in lightness or darkness” and “bright lights, stars in skies” are separated to emphasize the beauty that is all around us. It is interesting that you use the word “unexpected” and expanding on this might be helpful to juxtapose why we do not expect/realize the beauty that is all around us. The poem is lighthearted and made me feel happy so keep up the good work!

  3. Vansh Dharmesh Jariwala on September 21, 2024 at 9:23 PM

    This piece beautifully encapsulates the awe and wonder of looking up at the sky. It reminds us of the ever-changing beauty that exists above us, whether in the light of day or the dark of night. The imagery of distant stars and the sense of mystery behind the creation of such splendor evoke a deep appreciation for the universe’s hidden wonders. It’s a gentle reminder of how the simplest act of looking up can fill us with awe and inspiration.

  4. Allan on September 22, 2024 at 7:41 AM

    The pursuit of something grand and beautiful can sometimes hide the beauty in what’s hiding in plain sight.

  5. Korielle M on September 26, 2024 at 7:34 PM

    What a beautiful finish by mentioning a creator, gave me chills!

  6. Yuna A on September 29, 2024 at 2:43 PM

    I love this poem and the way it praises something which is often not paid attention to but is always present. It emphasizes the importance of finding beauty in the finer things in the world. It is also very thought provoking, especially the last two lines, making readers imagine how it must look from up close, and how it is so beautiful anywhere you go. Besides for potentially better capitalization, it is a beautiful poem and creates importance in something which is not always appreciated.

  7. sania on October 3, 2024 at 6:38 PM

    This poem captures the wonder of the sky beautifully, inviting readers to appreciate its beauty at any time. The imagery of stars and the sense of awe about creation evoke a strong sense of curiosity and admiration for the universe.

  8. TH on October 6, 2024 at 10:48 AM

    This is such a sweet poem! There is such a sense of appreciation in this poem of things that we normally take for granted. Looking up at the sky is something we do naturally but we never think of the hidden beauty within it, something that you have wonderfully done.

  9. Allan on October 6, 2024 at 10:16 PM

    Beautifully written!

  10. Jahnvi on October 7, 2024 at 1:56 PM

    This poetry evokes strong feelings and vivid images while deftly capturing the beauty of the sky. Every line invites readers to stop and take in the wonder above by dancing like clouds. incredibly inspiring and entrancing!

  11. Lucas on October 8, 2024 at 7:50 PM

    This poem beautifully reflects on the wonder and awe of finding beauty in places we might not always expect. The sky serves as a metaphor for the distant, unreachable aspects of life, yet it holds a constant, mysterious beauty that exists regardless of time or light. The contrast between “lightness or darkness” reminds us that beauty can be found in both bright and shadowed moments, even in places that feel far away or unattainable. The imagery of stars, which are distant yet awe-inspiring, suggests that there is much we may never fully understand but can still appreciate. The closing lines bring a sense of reverence for creation, emphasizing the marvel in how beauty exists even in the unexpected. This poem offers a thoughtful reminder to look beyond the obvious and appreciate the subtle wonders around us.

  12. Krishi on October 15, 2024 at 12:43 PM

    I really resonate with this poem because I also like looking at the sky and admiring its beauty. It is interesting to admire nature because it is so unique and out of our reach but often looks better than anything else we could make ourselves.

  13. Tim Kuang on October 21, 2024 at 12:09 AM

    This poem beautifully captures the awe and mystery of the sky and reminds me of the distant yet mesmerizing stars. I’ve always been curious about astronomy and what lies in and beyond our galaxy!

  14. Bea on October 28, 2024 at 5:31 PM

    Your words beautifully capture the wonder of looking at the sky—a boundless reminder of beauty beyond reach, yet so present in our lives. The contrast of light and darkness, close and far, brings out how vast and mysterious creation truly is. It’s like each star holds a story we can only dream of knowing, yet we feel connected to it all the same. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful reflection on something so infinite.

  15. Olivia H on November 3, 2024 at 3:34 PM

    When you look up at the sky, it truly is a sight to behold. Whether it’s the vibrant colors of a sunset or the twinkling stars at night, there’s a sense of wonder in how such beauty exists so far away. The sky is a canvas painted by the creator, filled with light and darkness, offering a glimpse into the vastness of the universe. It’s amazing to think about how all these elements come together to create something so breathtaking and awe-inspiring.

  16. Korielle M on November 3, 2024 at 11:06 PM

    To AHA, I believe we share a likeness to observe and appreciate the little things around us and you’ve seemed to capture the littleness, the softness in explicit detail. I too enjoy the sky, the night, and other things like the moon and pastel colors. Your writing is beautiful, never forget it.

  17. sanj on November 6, 2024 at 7:24 PM

    This is such a beautiful sentiment and experience to write about, and you do an equally beautiful job of capturing it. As someone who adores space myself, it’s so nice to read about its beauty. Thank you for sharing!

  18. Angad on November 6, 2024 at 7:35 PM

    Love this piece! Beauty often comes from surprising places such as everyday objects.

  19. Manasi on November 7, 2024 at 2:55 PM

    This is a beautiful poem! The way you are able to identify the beauty in all things and articulate it so well is admirable. It made me feel as though I should recognize the beauty in the small things, so I will definitely do this moving forward. Keep on writing!

  20. Anna C on November 7, 2024 at 9:05 PM

    Your poem captures the beauty and mystery of the sky. It shows how the sky amazes us both day and night. The stars and lights make us wonder about the creator’s work.

  21. Gabrielle on November 9, 2024 at 10:05 AM

    This poem was well written and beautifully done. I loved the shortness of it because it brought out the “sweetness” of it even more. The way we oftentimes get to used to looking and seeing the same thing everyday in life (like the sky), that we don’t think about how encapsulating and wonderful it really is. Your poem captured just that feeling of awe in which we should still feel when we gaze up. I also am a very religious person and try to appreciate the beauty in nature and this world God created. This was poem that leaves you with a warm feeling and I love that. Keep doing what you’re doing!

  22. Ananya on November 12, 2024 at 11:46 AM

    I love how nature and the real world was connected into this. Nice!

  23. Emily on November 14, 2024 at 12:23 PM

    I loved reading your poem. I like how you recognized that there is both beauty in darkness and in light. Beauty can be seen both up close and far away. I think it is important to know that there is beauty in many different things and you can see a beautiful aspect in that. Mentioning the creator resonates with hearts and souls, you did an amazing job.

  24. Alyssa on November 14, 2024 at 10:36 PM

    AHA, when reading this, it brought me back to my childhood. Being so innocent, looking up at the sky, so much imagination. This poem is very powerful, and it opened my eyes to the other values in life. Sometimes it is so easy to be angry and upset at others around you, and at those who hurt you, but at the end of the day, we all stand under the same stars. The same moon. The same sky. Thank you for sharing.

  25. Logan on November 17, 2024 at 9:21 PM

    Your poem beautifully captures the wonder and mystery of the sky. It’s a reminder of how much beauty exists, even in places we can’t fully reach or understand. The way you reflect on the creator’s work adds a thoughtful touch. Thank you for sharing this inspiring perspective!

  26. Logan on November 17, 2024 at 9:46 PM

    This poem is a powerful reminder that no matter how tough life gets, there’s always hope for a better tomorrow. Even when facing unimaginable struggles, the human spirit remains resilient. The way dreams of freedom, love, and peace are woven into the lines shows that no matter the circumstances, we have the strength to keep going. It’s a beautiful message that no matter where we are, we can still dream, grow, and hold on to the belief that a brighter future is ahead. Keep moving forward, because better days are always on the horizon.

  27. Pooja on November 17, 2024 at 11:52 PM

    This poem elegantly captures the beauty of the world we live in. It shows how beauty can be found in every little aspect of this world.

  28. Quoc Nguyen on November 18, 2024 at 1:53 AM

    Your poem made me think about the beauty in nature. I loved the line, “Bright lights, stars in skies / that one can only imagine how it looks up close.” It shows how much wonder there is in the things we can’t fully understand.
    The idea of finding beauty in unexpected places is powerful. It reminds me to appreciate what’s around us.

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