Sadness in Your Heart


When you have sadness in your heart,
you feel like a little person
and everybody is walking over you.
Your heart is crying,
but your soul is just sad.

There is hope.
You hope they do not look in your past
or you hope they forgive you for your past.
This is the only thing that can stop
the sadness in your heart.

Some nights I cry and some nights
I get mad at myself.
My mother and family is always there.
But when you are looking for somebody else
to talk to, there is nobody there.
You feel alone.

This is when sadness in your heart grows
and it gets bigger and bigger.
It makes you go crazy.
It makes you do things that you do not want to do.
You try to find love,
but you are looking in the wrong place.
You try to do things that you think will make you happy,
but it just puts more sadness in your heart.

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  1. Melissa on May 22, 2020 at 11:34 AM

    Hi JJ,

    This was a really moving poem that beautifully & clearly illustrated a universal feeling – sadness and longing. Your feelings are all valid, please keep up the good work, your words are asking to be heard.

    – M

  2. kassidilenae on May 27, 2020 at 12:37 PM


    Thank you for your vulnerability in this poem. Sadness and loneliness can be all consuming at times, and i think your writing accurately conveys this. Never stop searching for the hope you describe in the second stanza. That hope is your strength.

    Keep writing!

  3. Derek H. on June 2, 2020 at 7:56 PM

    Hey JJ, the feeling of being alone is something I can definitely relate to. It makes other issues seemingly worse as you fell you have no outlook for help. Thanks so much for sharing and leaning on anyone who will listen helped me.

  4. Heather Ukaonu on June 17, 2020 at 11:35 AM

    This poem represents a type of feeling that is hard to put words to, but you did just that! You wrote something that the whole world can connect with and feel on a very personal level.

  5. Jaycee Silva on June 19, 2020 at 2:17 PM

    I feel your sadness. I am sending you strength. Your words are very impactful and they matter.

  6. Daniel C on June 19, 2020 at 4:08 PM

    Wow, so raw and true to how many people feel. The longing sense of hope, the sinking feeling of sadness.
    Really powerful, thanks JJ,

  7. Catherine on June 23, 2020 at 8:01 AM

    This makes me sad. I’m sorry you’re feeling so alone and isolated. I hope you’re able to find friends to love and care for you in the future. I hope your family brings you solace until then

  8. David on June 23, 2020 at 5:08 PM

    Allow yourself to feel all the emotions, it takes more strength than you think and it is not weak by doing that. You owe it to yourself to do so and in time, you will love yourself. Carrying such a huge weight in your heart is hard, share the weight with others. What you are experiencing and sharing will allow others to heal and provide healing for yourself. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Koryana Boyle on June 25, 2020 at 8:00 PM

    Some days it’s hard to look past sadness and reach out to others. I live with my family but there are times I also feel like I’m alone when I need consoling. It can be hard to put on a happy face without feeling like you’re cheating yourself. Your art works to say everything you keep inside of you, you always have this outlet.

  10. insertalreadytakentitlehere on June 28, 2020 at 4:38 AM

    This hit hard. I hope you find love within yourself. I struggle with it too but we can do it!

  11. L on June 30, 2020 at 9:45 PM

    This poem is so powerful, I actually teared up when I read it. The third stanza resonated deeply with me, I sometimes feel like I have very few people in my life to turn to for support, but I am so grateful for the people who I do have in my life. Also, your second stanza is exceptional in the way you introduce hope in the first line, but talk about hoping that people will forgive or ignore your mistakes. This poem is amazing, keep writing.

  12. Briana Williams on October 18, 2020 at 4:45 PM

    I understand the feeling and having the mindset that you are alone. You feel like no one is there to talk to. These thoughts and feelings can become overwhelming and damaging. But I promise you that you are NOT alone. There are people who support you and love you. Keep up the good work.

    God Bless,
    Briana Williams

  13. ken on November 11, 2020 at 10:12 PM

    This poem is so well written, it is so deep and powerful. You did such a good job with your phrasing and it was very well thought out. Keep up the good writing!

  14. Anne on December 2, 2020 at 12:52 AM

    JJ, your poem was very powerful. I love your line at the beginning of your poem that states, “When you have sadness in your heart, you feel like a little person and everybody is walking over you.” We have all had this feeling before and it can drag you down to the lowest or lows. However, it is very important to appreciate everything we have and make sure to love ourselves.

  15. Maggie on December 11, 2020 at 6:41 PM

    This poem does a really good job of letting people know that things will always get better, and that it is so important to keep looking forward! I really enjoy this poem, very well written!

  16. Ayzhiana Basallo on April 6, 2021 at 10:53 PM

    This was very moving. I feel like I relate to this poem so much. I cannot imagine what you have to go through. I felt like this in a time in my life and I know it is extremely hard but you will get through it and survive.

  17. Natalie D. on May 11, 2021 at 2:00 PM

    Hey JJ,

    I know others have expressed this but your poem is so relatable and very well written. Sadness is the one emotion I feel as though a lot of people don’t allow themselves to feel, which can result in them feeling numb and not knowing how to express other emotions. I try to be a very vulnerable person, but at times I feel like my vulnerability can be a burden on others. But I am grateful for those who genuinely care for my emotional well-being. No one should have to carry a load of sadness for too long.

  18. Ma on May 20, 2021 at 12:24 PM

    JJ, this poem does an amazing powerful job, that highlights some things in life that everyone will be affected by, but the most inspiring thing I found from the poem was the message to keep pushing and moving forward.

  19. Laura on February 20, 2023 at 9:06 PM

    Hi JJ,
    I really enjoyed reading your important yet powerful poem. It is important to understand your feelings, especially sadness. It’s okay to feel these things, and sometimes I have to remind myself of this. This feeling is extremely relatable, which makes your poem so easy to connect with. I really liked how you emphasized to keep moving forward and pushing through these emotions. Thank you for sharing this important message.

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