Respect My “G”
I’ll give my seat up to a lady on the train if it’s crowded. When on a date with a young lady, I’m into opening the car door for her, pulling her chair out for her when we’re about to dine, or giving her my jacket if it gets cold while we’re perhaps taking a stroll in the park acquainting ourselves with one another. I try to mind my manners and not use vulgar language in the presence of ladies…
Respect my Gentleman.
I’m not really into turning the other cheek, and I take any and every threat seriously. Also, I don’t make empty threats. I’m a firm believer in bringing my words to life. I will protect and defend myself and my loved ones. I’m forever processing and committing the patterns of men to memory, conscious of whom I’m surrounding myself with. The traits of men are a lot like the traits of animals in the jungle… no matter how hard you look, you will never see a lion and a hyena walking together in the jungle, because the laws of nature won’t allow it, and as a man I try to abide by the same laws…
Respect by Gangsta.
I’m on my spiritual journey, in search of spiritual enlightenment, trying to become more in tune with the self. I’ve begun practicing meditation, clearing my mind of everything, finding a slow, calm rhythm for my breathing, and simply being aware. I’m trying to get in the habit of always listening to my first mind, in any given situation. Always reminding myself that He is a part of me, and that I am a part of Him, so there are no limits. Ever…
Respect the God.
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This is a really powerful poem, and I think the structure works well.
Awsome and powerful