Poem: “To My Family and Friends”
To My family and Friends
A deep disappointment I know I have been
I have failed them once again
My family and friends do right, while righteous is all they ever asked
But I never seen the righteous path
I was always moving too fast
To my mother don’t feel bad
I know you did your best
You have shown nothing but love
and all I caused you was stress
“Praise God and He will guide you”
is what you always taught
But I chose the wrong path
so my downfall is my fault
I wish I would have just listened
But now I’m paying the price
Success seems so far away
My future doesn’t look bright
I was so blind to the fact that people
really cared about me and my well being
The love was always there
But I don’t deserve the love
It just doesn’t seem fair
That after all the pain I caused them
they are still here
So atrocious, audacious
my actions seem so helpless
inconsiderate of others
I have always been selfish
But my loved ones never left
It just made them love me more
All I did was hurt them
What do they love me for?
Why do they still care for me as much as they do
I don’t know
but to them I have a lot to prove
I must prove that I can do it
And they didn’t waste their time
They have nurtured my life goals
Now it’s up to me to shine
I must focus on my dreams
Because there is nothing I can’t do
For all the love and support that was shown
I really would like to thank You
I love you Mom
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The poets featured here are currently incarcerated, and many of them are in federal prisons far from home. Your feedback is a valuable source of motivation and connection to the outside community. Post your comments, feedback, and encouragement in the space below the poem. Messages will be passed on directly to the author. Comments may not appear immediately on the site, as our team processes them to mail to the poets.
Family is the most important thing. We really like this one. Stay outta jail. Keep up the same outlook and you won’t end up back in jail and let your family down. Proverbs 13:20: “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”
Teen Boys Poetry Workshop Denney Juvenile Justice Center
This is the most lovable poem ever because it’s all about your friends and family, and shows how much you love your family and friends. We really love this!
Teen Girls Poetry Workshop Denney Juvenile Justice Center
I pray that you and your family are well and that you are doing better. God bless you
Hello, family is one of the most important things to me. This poem hit home about the pressures we put on ourselves and how family can be a pressure with out even knowing it. Thanks for sharing.
I am a student in a community service course at Wayne State in Detroit whose goal is to engage with the community beyond the university. When I discovered Free Minds I was immediately thrilled to see the connections build around your writings and heart, and what you have to offer is a powerful and beautiful gift to the community. It was a true privilege getting the opportunity to read what is on your heart and mind, your desires and passions, thoughts, and struggles. You have so much to say, so much wisdom to give, and such deep experiences and desires to share with the community that people from all walks of life, backgrounds, beliefs, and ages can deeply connect with and affiliate with. Keep engaging with the community and making your voice heard. You bring healing, hope, and renewal of mind to many who have the privilege to share in your poetry. Your poem is beautiful. I cannot express how stunning it is. There is so much movement and direction in your poem, from the lows of you actions to the highs of “But my loved ones never left” and “There is nothing I can’t do.” Your loved ones are so loyal and genuine to stand by you no matter what- that is true love- cherish that and never let it go. Do everything you can to shine as you said, to prove the world wrong, to make a new life for yourself. I love the last part, “For all the love and support that was shown I really would like to thank you I love you mom.” Our parents and mothers especially have done so much for us that I feel so guilty at times just being around her, or seeing her cleaning the dishes or something. Your mom is so right in saying praise God, He will guide you, He is your strength when you are weary and your refuge in times of trouble. You are already made new in Christ if you believe in Him and ask Him to come into your life. Now go and shine your light to others and keep writing.
This poem is very emotional and vulnerable. I know it may be hard to think about the past, because we have all done things that we regret, but forgiveness is so important. Forgiving yourself and asking for forgivesness of other people. I can tell that your mother is an amazing person, and that you guys are very close. My favorite line is “why do they still care for me as much as they do,” because I have asked myself this as well, but then I remember that family is everything. Family will always be there to support you no matter what and I think that is so special. Although we make mistakes we are worthy of forgiveness. Keep writing, this poem is great!
Although there is deep pain behind these words, that is why I find this piece to be so beautiful. You took your hardships, your pain, and your regrets, and put them into a sequence of beautiful words for others to read and I admire that so sincerely. The art of poetry can save you; I know because it has for me. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you for sharing such a raw and vulnerable poem. It was beautifully written, and I can feel the pain and regret in your voice. I especially loved the line “They have nurtured my life goals…Now it’s up to me to shine.” I am sorry for what you have gone through, but I am confident that your family still loves and cares for you immensely.