Lyrics: “Street Ambition”
Street Ambition
This a crazy life that I’ve been given
Wondering if the life that I’m livin’, Is based on me makin’ decisions
Stuck in da streets running and duckin’ from these prisons
All because a vision, of me having a street ambition
(Verse 1)
Can u picture a picture by lookin’ at a the frame?
My life’s sort of the same, except I’m a picture of what I’ve became
Without a frame I’m unstabilized tryna find balance
Traveling through the valley of darkness with all this senseless violence
Tryna find the reason y the Lord put me on this earth
‘Cause ever since my birth my moms left and showed me how much I’m worth
Waking up in the bed wit cold sweats and piss around my legs
Feeling 4 a figure in the dark that wasn’t never there
So how wasn’t it fair when I chose the streets over family?
Ain’t nobody hold me down but Grandma Redz, Auntie, and Triece
Mawn did good but she couldn’t neva settle my peace
The only one who was missin’ was the one who developed me
Ever since a fetus u rubbed yo stomach and promised me
When I made my journey 2 this world that I’ll live stress-free
I guess I had to bring a fee ’cause all my life I had 2 pay
4 a broken promise that was made before my birthday
(Verse 2)
Sometimes I try to find a way 2 get away from this life
But if I end it all 2nite will I really live twice?
Ain’t no heaven made for a man wit a suicide attempt
Unless my suicide was meant 2 save someone that I intend
But I can’t c myself doing something I can prevent
Unless I gotta air someone out in order for me to vent
My anger is held in contempt ’cause it burst impulsively
So don’t say nuthin’ 2 me and u won’t b made history
My biography comes from a background full of struggle
From getting’ in trouble 2 now fixin’ this puzzle
Looking back at the past life of me being a toddler
Another child with a destiny aging without his father
Prison was my downfall but it beats meeting the alter
This probably a calling from God to get my life in order
U know ur mind’s corrupt when u’ll die 4 a quarter
In 2 deep wit the streets that I was trap on a corner
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The poets featured here are currently incarcerated, and many of them are in federal prisons far from home. Your feedback is a valuable source of motivation and connection to the outside community. Post your comments, feedback, and encouragement in the space below the poem. Messages will be passed on directly to the author. Comments may not appear immediately on the site, as our team processes them to mail to the poets.
This is awesome, I believe this program allows for great writers to express themselves as never before.
Love the lyrics. It kind of reminds me of Tupac. It has a very nice flow and rhythm. Thank you for sharing your realness with us. I love the song. Keep writing!
I appreciated how you broke down the obstacles you’ve faced, and how much they have caused you pain. The contemplation of life, and the worthiness of life in verse two was really powerful. I’m really glad that you have found an outlet to ask these questions and to express your deep emotions!
This is great writing! I hope you do keep going with your ambitions despite of what other people say to you. It gets better!
This is a great use of curt language! I feel the expression of your message through the use of the short language, and I love the use of the numbers “2” and “4” throughout the poem.
This is a gorgeous song! It was really touching and beautiful. I’d love to hear it with the chords.
Despite not knowing you I can picture my little brother living these lyrics. He has a similar story as yours and reading the lyrics reminded me that he has lived through so much he has to keep to himself. He lives with anger that he does not now how to channel in a positive way. Im glad to see that this allows you to speak and express yourself. The life of the streets comes with so much baggage that people feel like they need to hold in, but it is nice to see that you can express yourself in a positive way. I hope things start looking up for you!