Longing for Lost Love


Companionships are often broken
Let me be blunt and open
I’d rather be sunk than soaken
When love’s washed away
‘Cause losing love is torture
Misery often follows
Millions of dreams of marriage
My heart’s a sleepy hollow
I must release this sorrow
But I cling to her smile
I itch to fix this heartbreak
I’ve been a fiend all the while
When she sings, flowers blossom
When she cries the sun loses light
As she sleeps my soul is at ease
So I’m most at peace during the night
Let me know everything is all right
Even though you’ve chosen to move on
I’ll be here to tend to your heart
Anytime it’s broken or torn
And then maybe ours can mend…

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  1. Kelly Tomon on February 16, 2018 at 8:53 AM

    This was such a sad and beautiful poem. You really used language that identified deep emotions and conveyed your pain and longing. It made me remember the feelings of losing a loved one. It also made me feel for you…I want to reach out and let you know that the pain will eventually lessen and there will be more love for you. Thank you for sharing this, and keep writing. This was a beautiful gift.

  2. Sally on February 16, 2018 at 8:57 AM

    Your poem really moved me. It is so beautiful and expressive and relatable! I want to share it with others. I have a bother who has had many heartbreaks and he also loves to write poetry so I think he will enjoy your poem too. I will encourage him to leave you a comment too! Anyway, I have suffered from broken hearts myself, but I never had to do it from behind bars and I feel like that must make the whole situation more difficult. The woman you wrote about is very lucky to have your love and even though you feel rejected, it doesn’t mean that the love you give is not great. As my older brother always said to me, if a blind man throws away a diamond, does it mean that the diamond is not valuable? Also, I hope that you will heal from the pain and that you will go stronger and that you will find love again and that it will be returned to you. Thanks for sharing your heart and poetry to the world and I hope you continue to write.

  3. Catherine Davis on March 23, 2018 at 8:21 AM

    You sound like a natural born lyricist. This is musical and heartbreaking. You will find more love, I just know it, but in the meantime, I hope you keep writing.

  4. EBS on April 13, 2018 at 1:14 PM

    Your poem was very moving. Heartbreak is almost indescribable, but your poem really illustrated that feeling. Thank you for sharing your work.

  5. Steve on April 13, 2018 at 1:16 PM

    This was an amazing poem, I enjoyed every second of it and really hope you continue to make more. I love how you expressed yourself in ways that many people might not feel comfortable with. Your poem was very elegant and strong and I really think you should continue making poems

  6. Oshane on October 24, 2022 at 10:35 PM

    Very emotional poem about heartbreak. It is a very hard topic to be able to talk about as losing someone you really love is not something you get over easily and some persons never manage to get over that.
    IT is good that you still harness good thoughts toward your lost love. I’d like to see more of your poetry, keep writing.

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