The poets featured here are currently incarcerated, and many of them are in federal prisons far from home. Your feedback is a valuable source of motivation and connection to the outside community. Post your comments, feedback, and encouragement in the space below the poem. Messages will be passed on directly to the author. Comments may not appear immediately on the site, as our team processes them to mail to the poets.
Dear TB,
Great poem. Sometimes it is important to let the past be just that and move on to become a better version of our self. The poem clearly shows how you say goodbye to the old you to become a better person in the future. Words speak louder than actions. Keep on writing and expressing yourself.
Wow, this is a deep and very reflective poem!
You are an inspiration, changes,especially ones such as changing your old self into something new, something bigger are scary and require lots of courage. You have that!
As you said, you are a star- a star that is about to rise and shine. Next time I’ll see a star on a nighblue sky, I’ll be reminded of you and how brave you are for taking that step and leaving your old life behind.
Your poem speaks wonders of the amount of self-awareness that you have and it amazes me that you have the strength to change yourself. Change is a very difficult thing to do, I have tried to change myself for the better many times and it has been a struggle. It takes a conscious effort and a lot of dedication. We are always growning, but it is up to us to take the path that we believe to be the best for our futures. Our pasts stay with us, but we can use them to make us stronger for the future, to make us stronger for our better selves. Thank you for sharing a part of your journey with me.
With only a few words you pack so much feeling and power into such a short piece. The themes of family and love are really impactful. You express this feeling of certainty and power. I encourage you to continue exploring the ideas of identity in your work and I really look forward to reading more of your poems.
Hi TB,
I really enjoyed how there are two separate “goodbyes” in this poem: one to yourself and one to a friend. The way you describe both of you moving on separately, but together spiritually is very powerful. This makes me think about how sometimes, saying “goodbye” to a person you love is like losing a part of yourself, and this can change who you are. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful poem.
I love this poem. I want to frame it. I think it’s a cool concept that past us have the same origins (like siblings) but are not the same as present or future self. I am wayyyy different than I was even a year ago. I also love that you love your past self and embrace them but you also love your present self. Good job!
This poem is wonderful. It shows growth in yourself. It’s wonderful to outgrow the person you once were. Continue working on yourself to become better. Thank you for sharing.
Hi TB,
I really liked your poem. You are paying homage to your past self and celebrating growth. It is beautifully written and produces many emotions. I wish you all the best in your journey.
Hey TB,
I love the meaning behind this writing. We are always positively growing as a person. Each and everyone of us.
Without knowing the exact details of your situation, this poem communicated a feeling of loss and growth at the same time that I think many of us have felt. There was so much power in this despite the shortness of the piece. Thank you.
This poem has so much emotion and beauty packed into its short lines. Being able to say goodbye to a version of yourself that you have outgrown is a deep and complex experience. Thank you for sharing that aspect of your journey, and I look forward to reading more of your work!
I admire your courage to formally let go of your past and move into your future with a new and clear-headed state of mind. Many blessings to you on your new path and please continue sharing your work.
We are stars
No one can change that
I love the sense of hope that this poem conveys. The ending lines are so beautiful.
TB, Thank you for sharing this poem on growth and acceptance of self evolution. It’s so important to show love to all forms of our beings and you capture hat perfectly. I hope you keep growing and I wish the best for you!
This was a great way to express saying goodbye to the old version of you and creating a new one. This poem feels like a sense of growth and maturity. I respect the togetherness you included and the change you strongly believe in!
Dear TB,
Thank you for sharing this poem. It is inspiring that you are able to say goodbye to the past and grow into someone else. Also, it is important to remember to reminisce on past experiences and have them shape you into the person you will become.
Hello, TB-this is such an interesting poem, addressing yourself as if you were another person. I really like these lines:
We shall grow
We are stars
No one can change that
Dear TB,
Thank you so much for sharing your poetry. While the poem is short it packs many different themes into its lines– themes of personal growth, self-acceptance, and the strong ties we have with others. I am particularly impressed with the complete confidence that you convey regarding how special you are and your future potential. Self-acceptance is something so many people struggle with, no matter their backgrounds, so to see it on display so prominently in your writing is definitely something that stands out to the reader and, hopefully, encourages them to practice the same time of acceptance towards themselves.
Thank you again for sharing your wonderful poetry with us!
Christine T.
Dear TB,
I appreciate this poem for many reasons, thank you. First and foremost, it is encouraging to me and anyone looking for personal and spiritual growth. Yet, to keep in mind when that the past will always be apart of you and the growth.
Thank you for sharing this!
TB, I enjoyed this short poem. Addressing yourself as someone different surprised me.
Thank you for sharing your writing! Addressing yourself as a friend rather than a piece of you to dwell on was a new take I have not seen! It is a new approach one that doesn’t see past selves as a weight but instead something to leave behind. My question for you is, why characterize it as a friend who remains in the stars? How else would you describe your old self – does it extend beyond friendship? An example is, if your past self was someone you wished to completely leave behind and to not ponder on, what would be your take? Your poem had me reflecting quite a bit thus all the questions, but I digress. Thank you again!
Dear TB,
What a beautiful message about change and growth. In only a few lines you encapsulate what it means to become a better version of ourselves and yet our past will live with us in a beautiful way. Continue to write and bless others with your words.
I really enjoyed this poem. In my journey of healing and self acceptance, I have found that it is easiest to talk to myself as if past me is a different person- which felt like what this poem was! You will always have yourself at the end of the day, and that is what makes it so important to appreciate yourself and how far you have come.Thank you so much for sharing this. Wishing you the best.
I liked how short and sweet your poem was. You said so much in so little words and yet it was so strong and reflective! The way you used a different perspective was a nice touch! Keep writing!
I like how you treated the poem as two different yous. I also like how you said you are a star and are going to grow. It is like where you are now, you can only get better.
I love this poem so much. I love how it finds the balance between letting go of the past and holding on too tightly.
Hey TB, this poem is so great! I love how short and simple it was, but also very powerful and meaningful. I love the courage you have and the way you express yourself. Great job! Thank you for sharing this with us!!
I enjoyed this short yet powerful poem. To me, this poem is about acceptance of the past and growth moving forward. It is very powerful!
Thank you for sharing!
I’m proud of you for growing and becoming the man you are today. I believe that the poetry that you are writing right now will help you continue to grow as you continue through this journey that you are taking. Saying goodbye to the old you and becoming the new man that you are today. I also loved your take on the idea that no one can change that. You create who you are and who you will be, and no one can come between you and who you are destined to be. You’ve done an amazing job writing, I highly suggest you keep up the good work!
This is such a great poem, and I like that the title hints at what its about, and once you read it you understand the poem completely. When reading this poem its awesome to see how you have changed and the way you write about it, its like you are saying goodbye to a friend only to meet a new one. It is such a great reflection piece. I look forward to reading more or your work.
This poem is powerful and as the reader, I can connect to it. The past is the past and it cannot be changed; the future is now and which case you have complete control of. You might want to change the past but what’s done is done. Make the future ten times better than the past, therefore you will forget the past you want to change. You got this and remember the best is yet to come!
Hi TB,
Great poem. In few words, you sent a very strong message about change and self-growth. I also love the two separate goodbyes you used to say goodbye to and welcome your new self. This poem says so much about self-realization and growth in life, a reminder that sometimes things or people must change before they can get better. Thank you for sharing!
Dear TB,
My favorite thing about your poem is that you reflect on yourself with compassion and empathy. I love that you discuss the importance of growth, and see your past self as an “old friend”. I especially love the last few lines “We are better now/ we shall grow/ we are stars/ no one can change that”. This shows that growth is a constant goal in our lives and we are always trying to better ourselves for ourselves and our own benefit. I love that you see such potential in growth, and that no one can diminish that within you. There is clearly a lot of reflection in your writing that I enjoyed reading! Thank you for sharing.
Hi TB,
I really enjoyed reading your poem. In just a few lines you were able to convey such an important message. I liked how you emphasized growing from your past and creating your new self. It’s important to be able to forgive yourself and find your true self, and your poem has motivated me to do so. I also liked how connected you are to this poem. From reading it, it feels like you put so much work into these lines and pulled on your personal experiences. Thank you for sharing.
This poem is really strong, but in such little words. My past self I’m honestly ashamed of, I was mean, rude, and jealous. It took a lot of time to overcome those qualities and I will admit the jealousy still comes back, but I like to think that version of me is in the past. That version is still a part of me, but I’m a different person now with better goals. I think a lot of people have a bad part of themselves, but only some know how to grow out of it, it’s difficult but you can do it.
Hi TB! I enjoyed reading your poem. I love the message that you send. It is good to move on from the past. It is okay to be ashamed of your past, everyone has done things that they are not proud of, but it is how you handle yourself, and the way you act, as you move on to the future, that truly matters. The past will be forgotten, but the future is yours to take.