Title 16
The title I was given does not make me a champion
Nor would I brag or boast about it
Under 18 down in the jail,
And now all of a sudden DC does not give bail
Never thought I’d be here
Writing this poem
Or seeing my mother through a TV screen
Talking through a phone
I’m considered a minor
But in an adult environment
My family can’t save me now
The food is garbage and the jumpsuits are bright
It’s been months since I’ve even been outside
Commissary always needs money
And instead of the days getting easier day by day
It gets harder day by day
The title I received
Instead of a championship belt
It’s replaced by shackles and handcuffs
Title 16 allows juveniles in Washington, DC to be tried and sentenced as adults for certain offenses.
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The poets featured here are currently incarcerated, and many of them are in federal prisons far from home. Your feedback is a valuable source of motivation and connection to the outside community. Post your comments, feedback, and encouragement in the space below the poem. Messages will be passed on directly to the author. Comments may not appear immediately on the site, as our team processes them to mail to the poets.
The confrontation of the reality of your situation, in all its bleakness, is moving. I found especially power the image of seeing your mother through a TV screen. I also like your ironic play on “Title 16.” Thanks for sharing this.
You made me feel your reality.
Dear KC,
I like your poem. What stands out to me is the humility of the situation. I feel the desire through your poem to be a proud champion. And it makes it hard to get through the day, with bright reminders of the opposite. “My family cannot save me now.” This line really gets to me. Makes me want to say – God can save you. No matter where you are. No bars can keep him from you.
Your poem brings tears to my eyes.
This is really great work. Your words have intensity and power. Keep writing!
I am totally feeling all of your emotion in this poem.
I hope that you keep your head up through this all. I know these times get hard, but just know that you have a support system here and we aren’t going anywhere!
The way that you made “title” mean so many different things made your poem complex and interesting. I appreciate that you are so open in your poem. Thank-you for sharing. The vulnerable, personal details are what made this poem so powerful. Keep writing! I can’t wait to read more.
KC, your poem is moving, keep your head up. Things will get better over time.
Hi KC,
This a very touching poem where you paint a vivid picture of the harsh reality of your life in jail, from the bright jumpsuits to the garbage food to the lack of freedom. You also speak about your emotional toll of being in jail, from the physical separation from family to the feeling of helplessness. I have faith that you will be able to get through this tough moment in time.