Poem: “In Jail Or In Someone Else’s Arms”

In Jail Or In Someone Else’s Arms

Dedicated to my ex-girl
You was right, I was wrong

When u thought about me in the mid hours of the night
where was I

In jail or in someone else’s arms

When u wanted me, needed me and yearned 4 me
where was I

In jail or in someone else’s arms

When u held your stomach and looked into the
mirror as u thought about our future
where was I

In jail or in someone else’s arms

When u told me that when I’m ready my bed
will always be made where was I

In jail or in someone else’s arms

When u cried out of pain as our baby blood
rushed out your veins where was I

In jail or in someone else’s arms

When u sorrowed and couldn’t believe our baby
was gone where was I

In jail or in someone else’s arms

When u told me I was a dog and that situation was
the last straw where was I

In jail or in someone else’s arms

When u gave up on our love and decided not to trust
where was I

In jail or in someone else’s arms.


  1. Jingle on August 20, 2010 at 3:57 PM

    lovely poem!

  2. Alison on October 16, 2010 at 12:19 AM

    this poem is very effective – you use repetition and rhythm to do exactly what you intended, which is a rare talent.

  3. Serena McIntyre on April 13, 2011 at 10:51 AM

    This really hits home. I personally know what its like to feel the regret of breaking the trust of the one you love most. I have been there and back. The way you wrote you’re experience in such a simple yet elaborate way shows your true potential and talent for poetry. As a writer myself, I see inspiration in your work. It gives me something to think about. Awesome job my good sir.

    “The best of us can find happiness in misery.”

  4. Dyemone on October 20, 2020 at 11:58 AM

    Everytime I read the line “In jail or in someone else’s arms.” I feel the emotion that the author was trying to convey. Each line was the same but different. This poem was written beautifully and I can tell that the author loved this person, and regret what happened. I felt as though I reading someone’s diary because of the vulnerable that was shown in this poem. I hope that this person continues to write in the future.

  5. kassidilenae on November 17, 2020 at 2:39 PM

    Very powerful poem, wow. Thank you for being so vulnerable. The structure of this poem flows so smoothly, and you effectively convey your message. I hope you can forgive your shortcomings and continue to find love in family, friends, and partners. Keep writing!


  6. Samantha on July 2, 2021 at 1:59 PM

    I really appreciated and valued the honesty of this poem, and how you kept coming back to “in jail or in someone else’s arms”. It really made the poem more nuanced, and it made me really wonder whether you were in jail or elsewhere. I can also sense regret in your tone in this poem, and that comes across strongly! I really enjoyed this poem, great work!

    Best regards,


  7. Jaxson Pawlowski on October 23, 2022 at 2:31 PM

    First off, I enjoy the unique writing style/format. The columns helped me read the poem more clearly, and also with the title phrase appearing after each part made it more powerful!

    Sounds like it was a rough situation that I hope nobody ever has to endure ever again, thank you for sharing and I hope writing about it is helping! Life is crazy, you never know what the future will look like…


  8. HL on November 4, 2022 at 3:03 PM

    Hello! This poem has a solemn, sorrowful beauty emanating from it that is difficult for people to capture in words, so I applaud you for that. Your words are both melancholy and reflective, looking back on past mistakes with the resolve to act differently in the future. This poem has a similar aura to a Greek tragedy, full of raw and turbulent emotions, human folly, and a profound realization of one’s character at the end. I think the fact that you wrote this poem at all shows a lot of growth and maturity. Incredibly powerful, resonant poem. Please write more!

  9. Corrina on March 2, 2023 at 6:57 PM

    Wow! First off I really enjoyed the repetition of “in jail or someone else’s arms”. This made the poem so much more effective at getting your point across. Taking accountability is something many struggle to do, and the way you admitted your wrong doing shows a lot about your character and how strong you are! I secondly really enjoyed the concluding lines of this. So deep and meaningful. Thanks for sharing.

  10. AJ on November 19, 2023 at 10:25 AM

    This poem speaks to me, it has meaning, it is powerful. I hope you continue writing and best of luck to you in the future.

  11. Kennedy Critz on February 23, 2024 at 11:51 PM

    Very emotional and powerful poem

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