My Life Line
Dedicated to my beautiful niece Ana
It’s an honor to be your uncle
And a blessing to receive your love through your drawings,
Whenever I need some joy in my life
It’s you that I always think of.
Spiritually, you’re always in my prayers
Emotionally, you’re the blood that pumps my heart,
Mentally, you’re constantly in my thoughts
And physically, is the only way we’re apart.
Since the day my sister Nina had you
I’ve loved you like no other,
Well, one other person loves you as I do
And that would be your mother.
It’s always delightful to receive a picture, or drawing
From you and I think I know it will be astonishing when I
See your pretty face close up, I love when your mom
Sends me pictures of you, and from the look of things
In your pictures, you’re growing up quick ☺
You’re the most precious person in my life and I’m
Proud of all that you do,
You bring infinite joy to my days and nights in
Prison, especially when you say to me “I love you.”
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The poets featured here are currently incarcerated, and many of them are in federal prisons far from home. Your feedback is a valuable source of motivation and connection to the outside community. Post your comments, feedback, and encouragement in the space below the poem. Messages will be passed on directly to the author. Comments may not appear immediately on the site, as our team processes them to mail to the poets.
This is an amzaing poem and it deeply affects. The connection that you and your niece have is so awesome and I always admire a family that loves each other that much. Thank you for sharing your poem. -Patrick
This poem is beautiful. I can tell that your love for your niece is giving you joy and peace every day, and that is a wonderful thing. My favorite part is:
“Spiritually, you’re always in my prayers
Emotionally, you’re the blood that pumps my heart,
Mentally, you’re constantly in my thoughts
And physically, is the only way we’re apart.”
You write brilliantly. Please continue to write, and thank you for sharing this with us.
Thank you for sharing part of your life with us.
This was a beautiful poem. The strong love for your niece was evident. Your poem was raw, genuine,and wonderfully written! I hope to see more from you.
This poem about your niece is truly touching, and the love expressed in it is easy for readers to apply to their own loved ones. Your care for her is clear to see, and I think your title really reinforces how much she means to you. Thank you for sharing this; it’s heartwarming to see that she is one of the brightest lights in your life.
This is a nice poem with honest and beautiful words and emotions. Family keeps us going forward no matter what and I can see that in your poem. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
The connections and love people have for their family is so well conveyed in this poem. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful piece of writing. The relationship that you have with your niece is very inspiring and I hope that you two can reconnect soon. Keep writing! -Pat
Your poem is a beautiful gift to others, just like your precious niece Ana is a gift to you. I can almost see the love your family shares together even though you are separated from them. May Ana’s spirit continue to bring you joy, love and hope. Keep writing poetry!
This was a very emotional piece for me to read. The love for your niece is so inspiring. The connection you have is so incredibly strong even though the physical distance between you is great. This poem portrays an unfailing love that survives through many different circumstances.
Thank you for writing and posting this. I have a niece and I feel the same way. It is a beautiful poem.
Dear VL,
This is such a beautiful poem. It filled my heart with happiness as I thought of my family, especially my older brother. Thank you for your poem, and Ana seems like the luckiest girl around to have you as an uncle.
Hannah 🙂
Such a beautiful poem, I could feel the depth of your emotion and it is expressed so fluidly through the different rhythms of your verses. The human connection that you have with your family is so beautifully captured here, what a lovely gift to them!
This is a beautiful poem that you wrote. I’ve just read it here, in Russia, and I am impressed with the love you’re expressing for your niece. You wrote this one extremely well; I hope to read more of your poetry in the future!
The first thing I noticed was the obvious feeling of love that emanates from every point in this poem. It is extremely clear how much the author appreciates and cares for his or her niece and I think this is very touching. I was drawn to the second stanza that has a specific arrangement that really expresses the different ways the niece affects this person’s daily life. I enjoy the change of pace from the other stanzas, and I think this message really stands out. I also noticed the use of enjambment and appreciate its ability to help the reader focus on specific phrases in the poem. The emotion I get while reading this poem is that the niece brings ultimate hope and happiness to the uncle. Also, it is clear that the niece is capable of making any situation have a positive side. I appreciate this loving relationship because I have an uncle that means the world to me, and I would hope I could give him happiness as well. I like the way the author sets up the poems into different stanzas. However, one suggestion for future poems would be to make each stanza surround a specific topic or idea that was different from the others. This form of organization is something I enjoy because it helps the story flow and also makes the storyline more clear. Lastly, I enjoy this poem because it genuinely makes me happy while reading it and that is something that is difficult to do. Overall, this was very well written and shows a lot of love and passion.
This is a beautiful poem. You do a wonderful job of expressing how a little one’s drawing can mean the world, especially when it is needed the most. Although my situation is not the same, I, too, appreciate a child’s drawing and pictures. My five little cousins are the most precious things in my heart. They all live in different states than me, so I make sure to cherish every note or drawing that they give to me. In fact, I have even written a poem about my love for my cousins’ notes too! This made me love your poem even more!
She sounds so beautiful. You can feel how much you love your niece with every line. I love the way you write, it’s so heartfelt and authentic.
VL, The love you have for your niece is something I wish society could see and take in. We live in such a materialistic world, always concerned with the cost of things and the amount we are receiving hoping we get the best and biggest presents always. We want to be seen and known by others for our materialistic worth. The things you said in this poem really highlight the person you are and the values you hold. I think society forgets how in life material things really mean nothing. It is our relationships and the love and friendship we receive from others that truly matters. You have the greatest gift in the world and that is love. True love for the people in your life and the gift of love you recieve from your family as well. Thank you for letting me read this. -Gianna
This is a very sweet poem. It put a smile on my face. I am sure the person who you wrote it for will appreciate and cherish it forever. Thank you for being open to sharing a sensitive side of you. I like that you wrote how this person affects you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Awesome job! They are lucky to have someone who cares for them as much as you do.
This was so sweet to read, and it’s so clear that you love your amazing niece. I love that your niece sends you her drawings and tells you “I love you” – she’s clearly someone very important in your life and I’m grateful to have read this.
This poem is so beautifully written. I can really feel the emotion you have for your niece. If I were her, reading this would’ve brought tears to my eyes. They way you talk about her is so beautiful and really shows how much you truly care for her.
You and your niece have a one of a kind connection and relationship!
It is visible how much you two care about each other and how important you both are to each other- she enjoys your love and attention and you enjoy her care and purity!
I am happy you both have each other and making each other smile.
You show me what love and care are about.
Your poem is beautiful, and I am glad that you still have a good relationship with your niece. I hope that you may reconnect with her sometime soon.
This poem is beautiful and made me feel the love that you have for your niece. I think that it is wonderful how much you care for her and I know that it means the world to her that you care so much for her. Thank you for being so open and loving. I truly enjoyed the line where you spoke about how physically that is the only way that you are apart, but how that will not stop the love you have for her. Keep writing and loving.
Best Wishes,
This is an amazing and heart-felt poem. I really appreciate you sharing this with us. I hope you continue to communicate and be there for your family and I hope you continue to share your poems.
VL, This is truly an incredible poem about family love. I really liked the line where you wrote “And physically, is the only way we’re apart.” It really speaks to how powerful love can be, breaking through all barriers in the world and still reaching the people we care about most. Please keep up the beautiful writing, I look forward to reading more of your work.
Hey VL,
I loved this poem. It made me smile. I can tell you love your niece a whole lot and I believe you when you say that you love her more than anyone else (other than her mother). I have a niece and nephew and I loved them a lot. I would literally do anything for them so I felt like I was basically reading my own thoughts and feelings when I was reading this poem. Ana is lucky to have you in her life and is lucky she has a uncle who writes such beautiful heartfelt poetry to her. My uncle wrote me a poem once and it’s something I treasure. Keep writing!
This poem is beautiful and really touching. Often the little ones in our families bring joy and happiness at our darkest times. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem and keep writing more.
This is such a heart warming poem. I have a baby cousin who is growing up beautifully each day. But I can’t see her glowing everyday because we are in different places. But the physical is not a barrier in my love for her. So, I can tell what joy it brings when you get the drawings from your lifeline. I hope you both get to meet each other soon!
VL, thank you for sharing your poem. It brought tears to my eyes reading how much you care for your niece. Your poem is like a love letter to Ana, and I hope she and her mother have seen your work. To me, it feels like Ana is your light at the end of the tunnel. It was beautifully written and I hope you see her very soon.
Best wishes,
This poem was very beautiful, and even made me emotional. The love that you have for your niece is astonishing, and I would encourage you to continue letting her know how much you love her every chance you get. Family is one of the most important things ever in this life.
This is such a sweet, tender poem. Your niece is blessed to have an uncle who loves her so much. I really like the line “You bring infinite joy to my nights and days”. This makes me think of my baby brother and how much I care about him. I can imagine the lovely relationship you and your niece have from this poem. I also love the line “And physically, is the only way we’re apart”. What a powerful description of closeness and pure love.Thank you for sharing. Keep writing!
Such a sweet poem. It put me in a good mood because it was so heartfelt and loving. Its awesome to see you have someone you love so dearly and get to be apart of her life in different ways. Love is the greatest gift and you have that! Great job
The first thing that this poem reminds me of is the person I love so much in my life. I don’t always say it to them, but your poem made me realize I should say it more often. It is a beautiful poem that shows all the love you have for a person and how you express it so proudly. This person is very fortunate to have someone as caring as you are in their life, and your poem clearly shows that in a sensitive, loving way.
This poem beautifully conveys the feelings of connection and love we have for our families. Thank you for sharing.
This poem was beautiful and very heart warming. Reading about your strong relationship with your niece is very nice to hear to about. Though not being able to spend time together in a way you are through the drawing and pictures being sent, building your connection with a loved one. You have someone that is able to bring you joy through a difficult time. This was an emotional poem and I wish you the best with your family.
Beautiful piece here. Way to show your raw emotion and feelings. Thank you for letting us read this.
VL, this poem will be treasured by your niece. Your heart
I love to see this connection your feel with your niece. I think that family is very important. I think this poem is very sweet and I loved reading it because it really shows how much you love her.
This was so heartwarming. I commend your love for this little girl you honor as you niece. Keep holding on to the good things life brought you. Its easy to drown in negativity! Let her love consume you. Good Luck
I think this is beautiful, your relationship and dedication to your niece really shows through your work. It is so important to have a bond and when it is this special, nothing can break it. I highly enjoyed reading your work, please keep writing.
Thank you for sharing this poem. I know sometimes it can be difficult to open up and be emotional but it was a very moving poem. Caring and loving for someone is something we all connect to and the love you have for your niece is so amazing and inspiring. This was a beautiful poem!
I loved this poem and it was beautiful that you wrote about your niece. We all need something to keep us going and it seems you’ve been driven by that something. I hope the best for you!
VL, you do an amazing job at reflecting on how much your niece truly means to you and how much she affects your life emotionally, physically and mentally. This poem hits close to home for me for the fact that I hold my two nieces very close to my heart and anything and everything they do, brings a smile to my face instantly. Being able to care and love for your niece though being away from her, will mean more than you know to her later in life. Great work!
Great poem! I love the personal aspect of it! It’s so sweet of you to write about your niece and describe how much you love her. Beautiful!
This poem is full of joy, happiness, and so much gratitude! I loved reading it and reading about your precious connection with your niece. Family is certainly incredibly important and something to be very thankful for. Im sure when your niece reads this one day, she will understand just how much you love her! The third stanza is my favorite, you have great word play in it and rhyming. Thank you for sharing!
Hi VL,
I enjoyed reading your emotional piece. It’s clear how much love you have for your niece, and it was touching to read your beautiful poem. Family is extremely important, as they will always be there for you. Sometimes I forget how important they are, but even then they forgive me. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for my family and the love I receive. Keep writing these powerful pieces. I hope to read more from you soon.
Thank you for sharing your touching words about your niece. There is no love like one from family and it is truly memorable to have someone close to you that is always rooting for you.
Hi VL,
Excellent poem capturing the essence of your relationship with your niece. It’s wonderful that you two have such a strong bond and that you both support her. Continue your excellent work and express yourself through your writing. I’m sure Ana will cherish this poem and feel the love you put into it.