Poem: “Generation X”
Generation X
Generation X the name they
gave us.
Foreseen to fail they described
us rebellious.
The worst generation
y’all say.
Why not explain to us or
better yet let me explain
to you.
I am one the Generation X
I can be cruel but also
good-hearted too.
The world changes and if you
are new to the world so
will you.
If you was me what
would you do.
Yes, I’ve been locked-up and
some of the best people have
But don’t give up on me
because I wouldn’t have gave
up on you.
Let me tell you something…
I’m proud to be Generation X
because I will change the
world to a different tune.
So be ready to be shocked
because I am a part of
Generation X and I will be there to see
you soon.
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The poets featured here are currently incarcerated, and many of them are in federal prisons far from home. Your feedback is a valuable source of motivation and connection to the outside community. Post your comments, feedback, and encouragement in the space below the poem. Messages will be passed on directly to the author. Comments may not appear immediately on the site, as our team processes them to mail to the poets.
Strong writing and a powerful message! You let your readers know that you’re not perfect, but to not count you out because you’ve learned from past mistakes. You also acknowledge that people can be very biased past on others’ pasts, but you don’t let that keep you down either or dampen your opinion of them. Great poem, I would love to read more of your works!
I love the message you present in this poem! As a fellow Gen X, I understand how often we are looked down upon and belittled. We have our shortcomings, but we have so much more to offer! Keep using your writing to inspire others and show the world the good we can bring!
I just finished reading your poem, and I loved it. I know you wrote it many years ago, and I wonder if you will still receive this reply. I wonder how you are now. The determination that shines through in your poem is inspiring (and I’m part of Generation X, too). I hope you are still writing, and fighting for yourself, and for a better world. Your words inspired me to do the same.
I loved how you are challenging the status quo of what it means to be of a particular generation. I face that too. Thank you for pushing back against the labels and stereotypes ascribed to a particular generation, and how they are not always accurate!
I feel like there has been a lot of discussion regarding generational stereotypes, and it’s totally ok to challenge them! I applaud you for taking the steps to fight back those prejudices in order to prove to yourself and others that you are greater than the negative words projected onto your generation. Nice job!
My name is Maria Griffin, and I am a second-year student at Wayne State University in Detroit. This semester, I am taking a class whose goal is to engage with the community, beyond the university and corporations.
This poem, titled, “Generation X,” is written with great wording and flows in such a way that it left me in great awe. Gen X is often deemed as what you described: rebellious. I think you did a great job of writing your poem in a way that gave me a confident feeling after I was finished reading it. I think the line that says, “Let me tell you something…” gives the reader a feeling of sort of fear that they may be wrong about Generation X. Great job showing confidence while also showing the reader that Generation X will prove them wrong from their assumptions.
Great job! I think your poem is very powerful! Keep up the good work!
Great writing. I think its awesome that through this poem you convey that you are proud of who you are, no matter the labels society puts on us. Hope you are sticking true to your word and doing well these days.
As a member of a generation that is often perceived as bad people, I feel this on a deeper level. We are all so quick to assume and judge and that’s what people do with generations. You wrote that poem with a point to prove and you did. Amazing job.
“The worst generation, y’all say.” I have learned in my sociology classes that every new generation is labeled as the worst generation because the generation before is trying to make themselves feel better for what they most likely did to cause your generation to be the worst.
“The world changes and if you are new to the world so will you.” Great line! Every generation has to adapt to how the world is changing and also is expected to come up with innovative answers for the next generation.
This is a great poem to express how this generation is unfairly judged for things outside of their control. I do hope one day you can come up with some great ideas for the future! See you soon!
Good poem with a good message. People can change, and I hope you can do great things once you’re free. Unfortunately, there will always be those who judge you because of your past, and they won’t be able to look at you as a new person. Just know that these aren’t the people you should pay attention to. Find people who will support you and help you grow!
This is a strong poem! Gen x is bold and honest and being rebellious isn’t a negative
“Generation X” is a powerful and assertive poem that challenges stereotypes and prejudices associated with a particular generation. The poem carries a strong message of determination and a commitment to positive change. It highlights the potential for transformation and emphasizes the importance of understanding and support. Great job in conveying a message of resilience and hope!
great read 🙂