Feather Me
Can I fly with you guys
Where I belong, or is it because I’m a crow
I don’t know why I’m perceived as evil
But my physical existence is the same as a seagull
But does color really matter?
I glance at the pretty blue jays
And I’m very amazed how cardinals became an NFL logo on Sundays
Doves are love, and hummingbirds sing soft melodies
And vultures should be charged with multiple felonies
I just want to fly in the sky and rest in a nest
Eat worms when it’s my turn, I’ll never butt in line and be greedy
I’m considerate of the needy
I thank the humans for throwing me bread
I observe like an owl, and listen to what was said
I’m a bird, just a different color
So don’t judge black birds as evil and dirty
But learn us so the world will think we’re worthy
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The poets featured here are currently incarcerated, and many of them are in federal prisons far from home. Your feedback is a valuable source of motivation and connection to the outside community. Post your comments, feedback, and encouragement in the space below the poem. Messages will be passed on directly to the author. Comments may not appear immediately on the site, as our team processes them to mail to the poets.
This is an amazing poem. Your imagery is clear and your words are strong and impactful on every line. This was an incredible way to talk about the racial injustice and judgement that occurs on a constant basis in the United States. It was beautiful yet heartbreaking. Keep writing poetry, I would love to see more from you.
This poem is amazing and I loved the way that you used metaphors. The societal problem of judging others by what they look like is a terrible practice and I hope more is done soon to correct this sin. Thank you for sharing your story and keep writing! -Pat
AG, you have a talent for painting pictures through your words. It is so sad that people see others as unequal simply because they look different, and this piece really depicts that longing to be seen as equal and included. We should stand with each other, not against one another. Thank you for sharing this with us, and giving us an eye into how it feels to long to be equal, it;s just amazing and I really hope you continue writing. Stay well!
This is so GOOD! I love how colorful your descriptions are about the different birds, and how “vultures should be charged with multiple felonies”. Crows have so many different meanings in literature, and ravens as well. This really made me think about all the different kinds of birds we have and how we look at them differently. I never thought about it like that. I really enjoyed reading your poem, thank you for writing it.
Hi AG,
I absolutely loved this poem. I think you do a great job describing the qualities of birds that make them loveable and unloveable. You describe the ways that birds are patient and gentle and human-like. It is so unfair the way appearance dictates how one’s character is perceived. My job involves working with kids, and I think this poem would be a great analogy to help them understand some parts of racism, classism, or colorism. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful poem.
Dear AG,
This poem is profound and struck a chord with me. Your analogy about birds was amazing, you’re showing that regardless of color or name, everyone is the same inside — they’re just trying to survive the best they can. Please keep writing and sharing your truths with readers, you’re extremely talented!
Such a powerful metaphor by comparing racism and bigotry to birds. It’s very explicit and clear. This piece would be interesting if you expanded it and went into more detail the perceived differences between the different “birds.” I think it would add something more to an already persuasive argument. I can feel your frustration and deep emotions. Lots needs to change so we can all fly together, but your poem is a good start. Your voice is heard through this piece. Thank you for sharing!
Really enjoyed the metaphor you use here with the birds. It makes you really think about the world and you know why we think a certain way. Why do we have the perceptions or preconceived ideas because of maybe the color of one person or “bird.” I appreciate your thoughts on this and the way you made this into poetry. I salute you and thank you for allow us to read it.
I did really like your vulture line, I do not disagree with you on that though.
You are a bird ready to take flight! Your words are so strong and paint a really perfect picture for the audience. I hope you continue to write.
Dear AG,
Thank you for writing this poem. I really liked the way you used birds as a way to discuss issues of racism, demonstrating how little sense it makes to treat one bird as lesser than another because of its color. I also really liked the line “I’m very amazed how cardinals became an NFL logo on Sundays.” That line made me laugh because your images of birds are so beautiful, but the cartoon birds of mascots and logos are so crude and don’t compare to the real thing at all. I also liked the line, “I just want to fly in the sky and rest in a nest”– the rhyme gives it a musical quality and it’s such a pleasant image. Thank you for writing this poem– it was both funny and profound, and it made my day to read it. I hope you continue to write and share.
AG, I really enjoyed the analogy of birds that you used in your poem. So often in this world, people are segregated based on how they look, but when you compare that to something that no one thinks of separating, it really opens the eyes. We don’t sit there and group birds or other animals as not worthy because of the type or breed they are, so why does the human race continue to do it to each other? I think the comparison you used really shines a light on the inequities demonstrated by humans. Thank you for your insightful words.
I really enjoyed this poem because I think it can really relate to the different races of humans and the events going on currently. It touches upon racism, stereotypes (waiting in line for food), and being superficial/only looking at appearances. I also enjoyed the line about the vultures; I thought it added some humor. Thank you for this poem!
This was a very insightful poem! I loved your analogies pertaining to birds and humans. You brought up great points of serious racial and stereotypical issues that are going on in the world today. You are a great poet!
AG, thank you for your poem. Your analogy of birds depicted the the institutions of racism and colorism very well. Your own frustrations and perspective showed very well in the writing also, you are a very talented writer.
This is one of the best poems I have read so far. Your poem speaks to problems and occurrences that are present today and for the last 400 years. I like how you used birds to describe the racial injustice that is felt amongst the black community. Everyone should be treated equal no matter the color of their skin. Keep writing because you are very talented and have a great imagination.