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Virtual Write Week: June 26-July 3

Free Minds is hosting a virtual Write Week from June 26-July 3! You’re invited to connect with incarcerated poets through a mutual exchange of creativity, inspiration, and hope.

Have you ever wished you could participate in Write Night, but couldn’t make the Wednesday evening timeslot? Well this month you can—we are hosting a whole Write WEEK with poems at your fingertips!


Instead of a live webinar, when you RSVP, you’ll receive a link to our poetry board; you will be able to read and respond to our members’ poetry at your own pace! You’ll be able to see other comments from other volunteers when they log on too. The poetry board will open for comments starting Wednesday, June 26th at 7 pm ET, and will remain open until July 3rd. Feel free to take your time and read the poems at a time that works for you—the beauty of digital connection!

All you need is a computer or tablet and an internet connection. If you are using a smartphone, we recommend downloading the Miro mobile app. Click here for a quick tutorial on how to use Miro.

If you need any assistance during Write Week, please email Aneka@freemindsbookclub.org OR call the Free Minds team at 202-758-0829 from 10am-5pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays.

This event is free. Please consider a donation to help support Free Minds Book Club.

DATE: June 26, 2024

TIME: 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM


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