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Virtual Write Night: May 22

Free Minds is hosting our next virtual On the Same Page: Write Night on May 22, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm EST!

Click here to join the Zoom event.

Several digital pages of poems surrounded by brightly colored text comments on the poetry

All you need is a computer or tablet and an internet connection. If you are using a smartphone, we recommend downloading the Miro mobile app prior to the event. There will be a live video presentation via Zoom at 7:00 with remarks from Free Minds staff and Poet Ambassadors. After the Zoom, participants will have access to virtual tables to read and respond to poetry by our incarcerated writers. All responses will be collected and mailed to the poets following the event.

If you are joining after 7:30, there is no need to RSVP for the Zoom presentation; simply click on the links below to read and respond to poetry by our incarcerated members.

These virtual tables will be open to the public beginning at 7:00 pm ET on May 22 (no registration required):

If you are using a smartphone or cannot access the tables on Miro for any reason, you can also access the same poetry using this Google Doc. If you need technical assistance, you can call or text our staff at (309) 533-0395 until 8:30 PM ET. Thank you for joining us on the same page!

Click here to join the Zoom event

This event is free. Please consider a donation to help support Free Minds Book Club.

DATE: May 22, 2024

TIME: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


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