I Know Pain


I know pain like the back of my hand
I’ve felt it on my skin like wind from a fan
I’ve cradled it like a baby and rocked it to sleep
Spilled it all over my clothes and all over my sheets 
I’ve loaded it into guns and forced others to accept it
I’ve harmonized with its voice and drove it in every direction
It walks when I walk and breathes when I breathe
Yeah I know pain and pain knows me
It mimics my behavior and dares me to get mad
It wants me, haunts me and taunts me when I’m glad
It made its way into my life and won’t let me be
Yeah I know pain and pain knows me


  1. Kelsey on February 25, 2015 at 12:28 AM

    This poem left me speechless. It was so beautifully written and I could feel emotion and truth in every single line. Please hold onto the hope that you have left, it will pay off eventually. You have so much talent I hope you continue to write and share your poetry with the world.

  2. Adrian on February 25, 2015 at 12:31 AM

    I first want to thank you for opening up and sharing a view into your world and your pain. That can be very difficult to do, so I truly appreciate it. One particular line that really stuck with me is when you said, “It walks when I walk and breathes when I breathe” because I know how personal pain can really become a part of who you are. I hope you continue writing and sharing your world with the rest of us, and that through your writing, some of that pain can be reduced.

  3. G-Pa_D (aka Grandpa David) on February 26, 2015 at 5:26 PM

    Now that I’ve read two of your poems, I know something too: You have a gift for words. Lots of other gifts too, but this is one I know when I see it. It’s one thing to go through a lot. It’s another to wrestle the words out. I hope you keep wrestling.

  4. Vanessa on March 2, 2015 at 8:47 PM

    I love the personification of pain in this. I felt like pain was a physical and tangible thing. The two lines that struck me the most were “I’ve cradled it like a baby and rocked it to sleep” and “I’ve loaded it into guns and forced others to accept it.” The juxtaposition of cradling a baby and loading a gun is such a stark contrast and gives so much depth to what you’ve experienced. I’m sorry if this sounds too much like a teacher talking. I just really enjoy the images you used!

  5. Pablo on March 24, 2015 at 12:17 PM

    Great, powerful writing. The words used to describe the “comfort” that pain can actually, eventually become is felt throughout the poem – “I’ve cradled it like a baby and rocked it to sleep.” That pain can become an identity. Thank you for you sharing – I know others who need to hear this.

  6. Reid on January 27, 2016 at 11:27 PM

    I really like the approach to the subject. Awesome follow-through.

  7. Chelsey on April 23, 2020 at 7:27 PM

    I think it is really beautiful how you treat pain as a physical entity. That’s really powerful. I love how close you express that pain is to you. If it was a person it would not be a stranger, but always with you. I hope this poem has helped you heal any burdens you carry. This piece can really connect with those that are struggling. Try to keep your head up and keep writing! Thank you, DH!

  8. Kyla on April 29, 2021 at 1:47 AM

    I have come across this poem as part of a college course aimed at community engagement.

    Wow, this is so powerful! Your description of pain is just so accurate. The personification of pain creates such a powerful image as well. It really brings pains to life, in such a true sense. Pain is such a hard emotion to live through. But turning your pain into beautiful art, such as poetry, is truly a gift as exemplified by this piece. Finding peace after living through painful things is one thing that writing can hopefully help you find! Please, never stop writing. And thank you for sharing this with the world!

  9. Andrew F on February 2, 2022 at 9:19 PM

    DH – this poem is fantastic. The way you progress pain from an abstraction (wind on the back of your hand) to eventually become personified with its own mean-spirited personality (haunts me, taunts me) is remarkable. It exemplifies how pain matured with you and became a monster within you, becoming another living version of you, turning you into a spreader of more pain to others. Well done.

  10. heatherb on February 2, 2022 at 9:20 PM

    Dear DH,

    Thank you for sharing this poem with me. I will not forgot the refrain “I know pain and pain knows me”, like a line in a blues song. I love how the images of pain move from so gentle: wind, a baby, a spill, to more active and dangerous, and finally, they become like a ghost – haunting, inhabiting. It’s unforgettable.


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